Song of the Moment: Break Anotha by Blake Lewis
I have encountered one too many SPLOG entries like this. (I coined SPLOG to stand for SPAM + BLOG, up to you if you want to consider me an authority for linguistics. Hehe.) I can cite several theories on why people participate in this chain letter of an entry:
- The blogger is running out of topics to write about on her blog.
- The blogger wants to reveal an "interesting" facet of her identity --- something a bit scandalous, a bit out-of-the-ordinary, a bit strange --- to gain a curious following or generate buzz for conversation.
- The blogger has too much time on her hands.
- The blogger is indebted to the tagger.
- The blogger wants to gain brownie points from the tagger.
- The blogger is trying to advocate a culture of individuality by promoting the "personal selling" of one's unique qualities, towards the grand vision of an unabashed diverse world.
Anyway, whatever it is, two or three of the reasons up there are my reasons for responding to my friend Faith's tag. So, here is my list of random things (after that long introduction):
- Each blogger starts with 10 random facts/habits about themselves.
- Bloggers who are tagged need to blog about their own 10 random facts/habits.
- At the end of your blog, tag 10 people and list their names.
- Don't forget to leave them a comment and tell them that they've been taggged and to read your blog. (Uhm... No thanks!)
10 Random Things:
- Books and expensive food are my common luxury expenses that I pay for by impulse. I hesitate less when splurging on a new book (I love the smell of new books!) and a plate of high caliber, exquisite food.
- I am crazy in love with a man who reminds me so much of my father. Uh oh. Hehehe. J
- I am online 15-17 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you don’t see me on your YM list, either you got the wrong YM ID (I recently changed it due to a hack problem!) OR I don’t want to talk to you.
- I love solving puzzles on my iPhone. I have to finish at least one game of Solitaire before I sleep. I finished Cubic Man and Parking Lot in less than a week. J
- I bring my laptop everywhere. And I mean, everywhere.
- I laugh by myself while watching How I Met Your Mother. I’ve only started laughing by myself --- without agenda or concern --- very recently.
- I randomly subscribe to RSS feeds. If I like one of your entries, I’ll subscribe to your feed and have your precious blog updates fed into my Outlook every morning. Gotta love technology!
- I absolutely love to drive! I drive to clear my head, listen to good music, think about life, etc. Favorite strip of road to drive through: the newly opened SCT Highway! Favorite song on the road (for now): Young Folks by Peter Bjorn and John.
- I meticulously jot down all my daily expenses, and religiously maintain a personal cash flow report, with bank reconciliation every end of month. I can give you an exact figure of my net worth at any given time.
- I am afraid of fire… specifically, people on fire. When I was a kid, I witnessed a man being engulfed into flames. Not cool.
"I meticulously jot down all my daily expenses, and religiously maintain a personal cash flow report, with bank reconciliation every end of month. I can give you an exact figure for my net worth at any given time. "
- I should start doing this.. :D
a little scribbling won't hurt. :D and it doesn't have to be uber complicated.
miss you apple!
oohh... that's why i don't see you online lately.
send me your new id or you can add me up: =)
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