Monday, June 02, 2008

I Power and Net Neutrality

Song of the Moment: Time to Pretend by MGMT

Athene the Best Paladin of the World started out in YouTube, after gaining massive hits on all his YouTube videoas, thanks to each video's display button showing raunchy photos of his gf, "My Bitch" and later known as Tania. Soon after, they launched a campaign to vacate seats in the Belgian Parliament, offering a blowjob from his gf for every vote marked as "NEE" --- they offered 40,000 blow jobs and received requests for 400,000 blow jobs. (If you're a guy and didn't know about this, click here to see the site and feel worse.) At the heart of it all, the campaign was really meant to decentralize power in last year's election for the Belgian Parliament and therefore, help curtail abuse of power.

Later on, the same group started a website documenting the last 90-days of a woman intending to commit suicide. This was, of course, not a real suicide but a campaign to raise awareness regarding suicide, to fight against the suicide culture ---- a disturbing culture that glorifies taking one's life.

I'm not really a fan of their methods, but I admire their passion. In both cases, this group utilized scandalous ways to get attention and eventually tapped a lot of internet users into reading about their causes --- which is more successful than most online advocacies out there.

Recently, they launched another campaign for net neutrality. Lifting from their website: "Net neutrality has been a much debated issue for several years now and there have been many lawsuits in cases where an Internet provider blocked access to a certain competitor's site or simply crippled download speeds on services that they felt were using up too much of their bandwidth." Basically, net neutrality ensures that we will have the freedom to access the websites we want and should be privileged to access. There are nuances to this issue, especially in restricting access to underaged minors; but their advocacy primarily targets prohibitive access to sites that require a commercial fee on top of ad revenues or sites that prohibit access simply because it's against certain cultures.

A recent development on their website claims that:

"Every significant Internet provider around the globe is currently in talks with access and content providers to transform the internet into a television-like medium: no more freedom, you pay for a small commercial package of sites you can visit and you'll have to pay for seperate subscriptions for every site that's not in the package. "

In other words, think cable TV for the internet.

Think limited sites against a certain fee you have to pay.

Internet will never be the same anymore.

For more information, read about the issue on this site:

Say NO to Net Neutrality! Spread the word!

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