Thursday, December 15, 2005

sabi ni madam friendster

The Bottom Line: Your creativity has been neglected lately. Immerse yourself in art, color and song.

Sure, you're all over the map right now, what with work, socializing, errand-running and, in all likelihood, some rather interesting romantic developments. Losing your head would be one response, and so would getting so stressed out that you can't enjoy the good elements of this busy season. Luckily your powers of communication are amped up, letting you vent in ways that keep those around you both intrigued and amused.

So Madam Friendster, are you an unspoken stalker? Come on, admit it. :)

I had barely two hours of light sleep, and yet I am up and about this morning. Now, when I go out for a late-night dinner tonight, kawawa ang ka-date ko. I might just pass out. Hehe.

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