Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Week I'll Never Get Back

Song of the Moment: The Man Who Can’t Be Moved by The Script 

Today is August 24, 2008. Around 6 days ago, I started contracting a virus of unknown proportions. It was the common cold, except I could have sworn it’s the highly mutated one. Think of how say Charmander from Pokemon, when summoned, becomes that almost evil orange dragon Charizard that can petrify other Pokemon monsters in fear. Or like Frankenstein’s monster if the Common Cold was actually named Frankenstein. So anyway, I was huffin’ and puffin’ and wheezin’ and sneezin’ for 5 full days, with temperatures almost halfway through boiling points... And it was just the common cold!

The two doctors gave me six different kinds of drugs: one for my fever, one for my cough & colds, one for allergies, one effervescent with high-potent vitamin C, another effervescent mucolytic and a saline solution to use for nasal irrigation. It was sheer torture. I felt like an old woman at a retirement home --- you know, when you’re given these little paper cups of your daily medication, and sometimes, you dread it so much that you want to “fake take” it. But I had to, or else I’ll never be able to get out of prison... So I took mine either three times a day or at night to drug me to sleep. 

I realized I haven’t been sick in bed for that long in ages. There was a part of me that kept on nudging, telling me how utterly useless I am at that point in time --- MISSING A LOT at work, BIG TIME. On the other hand, I thought to myself that I probably needed all that bed rest. And it was refreshing to prioritize just myself for a change. 

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