Tuesday, January 01, 2008

stay hungry. stay foolish.

Song of the Moment: New Soul by Yael Naim

People have put a lot of thought into the coming of the New Year. I am no exception.

Apart from the thick smoke from fireworks, different emotions enveloped the sky when the clock struck midnight. Reminiscing. Pain. Anticipation. Anxiety. Optimism. Promise. Empowerment. Fear. Sorrow. Joy. Nonchalance. Loneliness. Togetherness. Pretension. Sincerity. Vanity. Depression. Hope. Warmth. Chilll. Guilt. Forgiveness. Forget.

Fortunately, I don't have a lot of coherent words to say about the turning of the year. I just know that people need to believe on something in order to survive this year. Things don't have to make a lot of sense right now because there isn't anything you can predict in its totality at all. Things will only make sense when you look back at things and say, "This would not have happened if I didn't [blank]". So please don't be too hard on yourself. Enjoy the awakening of new things. Enjoy the new and the old. Resolutions exist to inspire and bring you a deeper sense of joy; they should not punish.

I wanted to borrow this citation from one of the few people I look up to: Steve Jobs. In his key note address to the Stanford 2006 Graduating Class, he clinched his speech with two simple phrases:

Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish.

Indeed, I am the only link from who I am now to what I can become. Stay hungry, stay foolish.

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