Tuesday, January 03, 2006

being "adulterous" to the schedule

New Year normally starts off with my natural high of constructing the most complicated and rather rigid schedule of "to do" list. I never realized it until today but I have actually institutionalized this as a RITUAL every single New Year for the past, say, ten years? It's just the revelry of a fresh start that tickles my OC-ness and lo, behold! Schedules and budgets and personal targets are written down nicely (sometimes printed) in finest detail. So, you think you've made a new year's resolution and you're damn proud of it? Wait til you see my new year's agenda!

But as in any new year's resolution, it starts out promising... ends up in ruins. The sticky part in planning for things is really keeping up with the plans. Exhibit A: Myself. Right Now. Wasting yet another fifteen minutes composing a blog entry. And totally violating my oh-so-sacred commitment to the schedule I've set for the next, erm, two weeks. When will I learn?

Well, I guess that's just my system creeping up to me, saying, "Hey you need a little spontaneity in your life?" Go and crack the mold. Being "adulterous" to the schedule may have its disadvantages (e.g. sleepless nights) but it's still fun. The adrenalin rush is of course exhilarating.

Happy new year! I'm ready for some spicing up. c",)


Anonymous said...

you really fascinate me with your OC-ness...Hahaha!But I do admire you a lot.Miss you, Vanessa.

stella said...

OC ka tlga doyti. ever. mis u. mwah.

Anonymous said...
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